Impact-driven protection to improve resilience to Natural disaster risk
The Natural Disaster Fund (NDF) is a blended risk transfer vehicle designed to mitigate the challenges in climate and natural catastrophes (NatCat) resilience for low-and-middle-income countries.
The NDF operates as a public-private partnership with capital committed by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; and via Germany’s development bank KfW on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The NDF was launched in January 2018 and is managed by a team from Global Parametrics Limited, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of CelsiusPro AG.
Global Parametrics Limited also manages the NDF’s Technical Assistance Facility, a grant funding facility funded by BMZ which is designed to strengthen the availability of impactful risk transfer solutions in countries eligible for official development assistance (ODA).
The marketing communications on this website are intended exclusively for Professional Clients as defined by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and should not be relied upon by other persons such as Retail Clients as defined under the FCA Rules. The definitions can be found on the FCA website www.fca.org.uk. Before making any investment decisions of any nature and to understand whether any investment is suitable for you, you should consult with your professional advisers and should obtain and review all appropriate investment documents and materials.
For the purposes of distribution within the UK only, Global Parametric Limited (GPL), a wholly owned subsidiary of CelsiusPro AG, is an Appointed Representative of Mirabella Advisers LLP, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (number 606792).
Mirabella Financial Services LLP, a firm authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, acts as the Manager to the Natural Disaster Fund and has seconded the investment team at GPL to manage the Natural Disaster Fund. Any references made in this document to GPL (or to any other member of the GP Group of Companies) being the “Manager” or “Advisor” of the Natural Disaster Fund should be interpreted as Mirabella Financial Services LLP acting as the Manager to the Natural Disaster Fund and having seconded to it the portfolio management team at GPL to manage the Natural Disaster Fund. The Natural Disaster Fund is currently two managed accounts rather than a collective investment scheme or alternative investment fund. By marketing the Natural Disaster Fund to potential investors, the Natural Disaster Fund may be in the process of being established as an unregulated collective investment scheme (UCIS).