The NDF is committed to the following UN Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG):
No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Climate Action
The NDF transactions are designed to:
Address the most vulnerable
The impact focus of the NDF is streamlined through its governance structure. Each transaction must be approved by a Development Committee of representatives of the NDF’s governmental investors.
Ensure continuity of protection
Through well-placed risk management solutions, the NDF can be deployed to ensure continuity of risk transfer programmes in the face of volatile market dynamics, guaranteeing sustained protection for clients’ increasing risk.
Enable Scale
The NDF seeks to develop and incubate risk transfer solutions, to provide risk capacity for pilot transactions (which can serve as proof of concept for innovative products, and which are anticipated to scale so as to be supported by the wider market) and to provide risk capacity to support larger market transactions.