The Natural Disaster Fund is funded by UK International Development funding from the UK Government provided by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The FCDO works to position the UK as a responsible, reliable and effective international actor and partner. It promotes and protects the UK’s core national interests of security, prosperity and sovereignty, while working to shape an open and stable international order, including by reducing poverty and tackling global challenges with its international partners.
KfW is the German state-owned investment and development bank. KfW is a limited partner of the NDF Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With a commitment to sustainable and inclusive growth, KfW implements impactful projects worldwide. Prioritizing sectors like renewable energy, healthcare, and education, KfW addresses global challenges. Its focus on economic development, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability aligns with the principles of responsible finance. By collaborating with governments, financial institutions, and local communities, KfW empowers nations to overcome developmental hurdles. Through innovative financial solutions and strategic partnerships, KfW's development work contributes to building resilient economies and fostering positive social and environmental change across the globe.
Hannover Re
Hannover Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurers and has demonstrated its commitment to use innovative financial solutions to make a meaningful contribution to closing the global protection gap and to meet the shared mission of the Natural Disaster Fund (NDF) since 2019. Hannover Re is providing matching capital to the NDF to form a unique, purpose-driven, and sector-leading public-private partnership with the UK and German governments. Its team working on index-based and parametric solutions is not only prepared to underwrite all classes of proportional and non-proportional business subject to parametric underlyings but will also provide its clients with the advice, structuring support and technology needed to unlock the risk mitigating potential of such solutions.